Our Vision

To provide a platform to showcase the investment

Our Mission

People are only as good as the tools they possess. So,


We help modernize it since economy depends on it


Development of Power potential, dams for electricity
1 +
Satisfied Clients

Golden years we’ve passed!


About Sao Tome And Principe Investment Group (STPGIG)

Sao Tome And Principe Investment Group (STPGIG) is a business Consultancy Company that offers specialized services tailored to the needs of an African island nation.

We provide assistance to potential, new and existing investors, businesses and organizations in the African’s Island markets.


The fields on which we give servies

Business Financing

We offer more than just investment advice, as it can

Real Estate Development

This is controlling the affairs of the various

Industrial Park Development

We are becoming an engine of rapid

Mining, Oil & Gas

Natural resources, including natural gas, copper, and iron ore can be significant
Load more
Get in touch Today!

Contact us today for some of our services with quality service guarantee.


Our Services cuts across different Countries

Phone: (+234) 9129764316
Email: info@stpgig.com
Address: STPGIG, Office
Phone: (+234) 9129764316
Email: info@stpgig.com
Address: STPGIG, Office
Phone: (+234) 9129764316
Email: info@stpgig.com
Address: STPGIG, Office
Phone: (+234) 9129764316
Email: info@stpgig.com
Address: STPGIG, Office
Phone: (+234) 9129764316
Email: info@stpgig.com
Address: STPGIG, Office

We offer the following additional services

At Sao Tome And Principe Investment Group (STPGIG), we are dedicated to providing the highest level of personalized service

Get in touch

Don’t hasitate to contact us for inquries!

    Our offices are located on the City center and you can reach us whenever through our contact details or send us mail through our contact form here.

    Real time customer support

    Professional Service Guarenteed

    (+239) 989 7520

    We recieve the best client’s review.

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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