Business Planning

Contracting and Procurement Services

Contracting and Procurement offers a wealth of opportunities in STPGIG’s Upstream and Downstream businesses, building relationships with suppliers and supporting the global delivery of services.

Contracting and Procurement at STPGIG offers a variety of exciting career opportunities.

A Contracting and Procurement role at STPGIG could see you assigned to support some of our groundbreaking exploration projects, while learning on the job and, collaborating with a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals delivering strategic business plans.

A career in Contracting and Procurement at STPGIG is not only an excellent opportunity for ambitious individuals to progress in one of the industry’s most innovative companies, it’s also a chance to continue developing yourself as a professional and work with cutting-edge procurement tools and systems.
Casting its influence on many areas of STPGIG’s business operations, we requires remarkable, creative candidates who can build and maintain relationships, provide support solutions to our businesses, and have the drive to effectively negotiate for a lower cost of supply while maintaining quality and safety standards.

As many of our Contracting and Procurement roles involve working with cross-functional teams, your ability to work in an end-to-end environment will be beneficial. You will be part of a mentor-ship programme focused on nurturing your professional and personal development and work in an environment that supports and promotes diversity, collaboration and social responsibility.

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