Real Estate Development

We give the best Real Estate Services

This involves seeing to and controlling the affairs of the various properties in our portfolio on behalf of our various clients.

STPGIG’s team has over years of combined development experience. Our expertise in project selection, underwriting, collaborative design and execution management allows us to effectively manage a group of select projects at one time.

STPCGIG offers turn-key development services including daily management of the following project tasks:


Market analysis, acquisition strategy, due diligence facilitation, closing management
Property inspection, environmental/soils investigation, hazardous material mitigation
Feasibility analysis with highest-and-best-use mix, cost analysis and pro forma
Capital stack analysis, sourcing of equity, construction and permanent capital


Turn-key development management solutions covering all project management requirements.
Public/private entitlements, rezoning, utilities, infrastructure.
Consultant selection/management for design, construction, marketing, legal, insurance, sales
Management and reporting for budget, schedule, quality, process and turn-over to management


Oversee property management operations, staffing, reporting and accounting
Govern marketing, lease-up, improvement, exiting and repositioning strategies
Project capital requirements, sinking funds, operating pro-formas and cash flow projections
Administer sustainable action plan for long-term operational efficiency and market value

Sustainability / Wellness

Registration, facilitation and certification process management
Environmental strategy recommendations, cost/benefit analysis, implementation strategy
Wellness infrastructure best practices, healthy operation, resident wellness guidelines
Occupant wellness baselines, personalized program creation, professional guidance, reporting

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